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Advanced blackjack strategy

More About Blackjack Strategy for the Experts

Losing while playing Blackjack makes many gamblers boil with rage, kind of like the famous Looney Tunes character Yosemite Sam, when he's having a bad day. This is especially the case if you have placed big bets while playing this great casino login classic. Still, you can always try to limit your losses. Better yet, you turn the tide and start making phenomenal winnings! How? Simple: by first going through Basic Blackjack Strategy.

Don't be left empty-handed - learn the best Blackjack strategy

Once you've mastered this easy-to-learn strategy, we at Safe casino login have good news for you. We have rolled up our sleeves to offer all Blackjack players that little bit extra. Our extra labor is going to make the difference between profit and loss, mind our words! Read our advanced information at your leisure Blackjack strategy by, to learn more about hitting, passing, doubling and splitting. Then immediately start playing in one of the Best Blackjack casino logins!

The blackjack experts at Safe casino login believe that simply leaning on your intuition is not enough. No, it takes more to achieve success at the Blacktable. Such a playing style, in which you rely purely on your feelings, is a waste of your time and energy. In the long run, this playing style will only lead to disappointment. Fortunately, we have a fantastic solution to this problem. Not just any solution. No, this is a solution that will ensure that you will carry a huge pile of money. The secret? Use the basic Blackjack strategy.

Blackjack Betting Systems - Are They Worth It?

Betting systems can be used in a variety of casino login games, and one of these games is the famous table game Blackjack. If you are attracted to structured betting, then you should definitely give our selected betting strategies a try! Learn more about the different betting systems on our money management and betting strategies page.

Despite the fact that using a Blackjack betting system may sound like a good idea, there are some snags to this playing style. To begin with, there is a fair amount of risk involved. As a blackjack player, you should keep in mind that there is always a chance that you will lose more than you win when using betting systems. Especially if the betting system you are using is a negative progressive method. That's why we highly recommend using a positive progressive betting system in particular. If you choose to actually implement one of these systems, you must have a significant bankroll in order to be able to absorb the potential losses.

Counting cards

Card counting is a great way to gain an advantage over the house. However, this is not advisable for players who have just started playing Blackjack. Card counting is all about keeping in mind all the cards drawn and dealt by the dealer. That way you can determine whether the next hand will be of value. Many Blackjack guides will say that card counting is easy to learn. A position that the experts at Safe casino login also question. We took the liberty of providing a great guide for it counting cards together to help you master this strategy.

Take out insurance

Despite the fact that most blackjack strategy guides tell you to avoid buying insurance while playing Blackjack, insurance can be beneficial in some situations. If you are playing a game of Blackjack in which only a single deck of cards is used, it is certainly interesting to take out insurance. This has little to do with having a good or bad hand, but is mainly about any prior knowledge of the cards still to be dealt.. 

The table below outlines the options that a single deck can offer you when it comes to taking out insurance by players who see themselves as card counters.

Number of hands seen Maximum number of tens

                                 2 0

                                 3 0

                                 4 1

Complicated hands and difficult choices

While more experienced blackjack players will recognize that basic blackjack strategy definitely helps in mastering the game, the problem with this table is that it is not much different from "multi-card" and "two-card" starting hands. A typical Blackjack strategy table will tell you that if you have 16 against an ace, you should hit, not stand. This is due to the fact that the chances of a win become roughly 24 times out of 100 times. If you choose stand, the chance is 17 out of 100.

Yet there are a number of situations in which you will be faced with a difficult choice. In such situations it is advisable to play your hand based on the burned cards, the cards that have been removed from the deck. Take a good look at the two hands below:


               Hand 1 Hand 2

Where the player's hand (Hand 1) consists of a 10 and a 6, when we look at the dealer's hand, we see a 10 and a turned up card. In this case, if you choose to hit, you win 23 ½ times out of 100 cases. In this case, however, let's assume that you choose "stand", because then you will win 23 out of 100 times. We can safely say that there is no major difference between "hit" and "stand". If these cards were still available, chances are that your bust would have been broken. Your chances of going for bust are smaller because the cards are out of the deck and dealt to the players. This is exactly why the chance of winning with a "hit" is 0.5 times higher compared to choosing "stand".

The rule of 45

While it is highly possible that you will be dealt a 10/6, it is more common to get a 16 in front of you that is made up of three or more cards. More than once you will find yourself in the nasty situation where you have to compete against a 10. Even if you manage to hit with your "16", chances are that you will get the short straw. In this case, you are looking for a 4 or 5 to arrive at a final result that equals "21", or at least comes close to it. But if your hand of 16 already holds a 4 or 5, you have already taken out one or two cards that could get you the desired score. Your chance of a big profit has therefore decreased considerably. In such a case it is much better to choose "stand". If you want to apply the rule of 45, remember that this rule only applies in situations where the dealer's hand has an open 10. The rule of 45 does not apply if the dealer has another high card.

The Doctor Pepper rule

Another situation that may confuse you is where you are dealt a hand that adds up to a total value of 12, while the dealer has a 4. When this occurs, your chances of winning are if you choose "stand" 40 times out of 100 and 39 when you hit. The problem with this hand is that you saved your 12 together using one of the following four hands: 10/2, 9/3, 8/4 and 7/5.

As you may have seen, there is quite a difference between a 12 consisting of a 10 and a 2, compared to a hand consisting of a 7 and a 5. If you have 7/5 and take a 10, speak we like a bust and it's over. The starting point of the Doctor Pepper rule is that you hit it with a 10/2 against a 4, but "stand" if you have an otherwise built 12 in your possession..

Blackjack strategy tips for advanced players

A player who has become wise through harm and shame possesses crucial experience and knowledge. The result is a considerable lead over the less experienced players, who are just coming to watch. Safe casino login's Advanced Blackjack Strategy Tips for Advanced Players gives you as a seasoned Blackjack veteran some very useful tips that will certainly benefit your game. Are you still a little inexperienced? Then read the tips below, assuming you have already read the Basic Blackjack Strategy.

Take a seat in a chair that suits you best

If you take a seat on the Anchor, the back seat at the Blackjack table, you have the best seat. Why? From this position you can see which cards have already been dealt by the dealer to the other players. That way you have the final say and the opportunity to calculate whether you are going to get a high or low card from the dealer.

Use more than a single betting system

 If you have used betting systems before while playing Blackjack, you are no doubt aware that putting these systems into practice, even if it is a positive progressive system, does not always guarantee a big win. Knowing the differences between negative and positive betting strategies will more than once benefit you from skillfully combining these two styles. Try it out with our Blackjack Trainer and find out if it works for you!

Watch your odds

Even an experienced hand at the Blackjack table who can effortlessly recite basic strategies will occasionally encounter a situation where he must sigh and support himself through a hand. Then pay attention to the odds, your chances of winning or losing. You can do this via the handy table of Safe casino login, below.

Advanced Blackjack Strategy - Safe casino login's Verdict

If you Blackjack online you can play together a considerable amount of money. We all know that. But when it comes to learning how to play this game well, half of your time is about mastering the different strategies, and the other half is about successfully applying the acquired knowledge. Once you have gone through basic strategy and advanced strategy, you should absolutely try to put your knowledge into practice through our Blackjack Trainer. Once you are satisfied with your own playing style, you can register yourself at one of the Blackjack casino logins selected by Safe casino login.